The Ultimate Guide to Flexible Dieting

The Ultimate Guide to

Flexible Dieting



I believe every women can take back their health

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Explore personalized support and holistic solutions for lasting wellness.

Unlock Your Potential. Embrace

Wholeness. Live Your Best Life.

Welcome to Fuel Your Soul Fitness, where I believe that true wellness extends beyond physical health to encompass spiritual fulfillment and holistic well-being. My mission is to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, empowering you to feel fulfilled, vibrant, and deeply in love with life through the power of our three pillars below

Welcome to Fuel Your Soul Fitness, where I believe that true wellness extends beyond physical health to encompass spiritual fulfillment and holistic well-being.
My mission is to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, empowering you to feel fulfilled, vibrant, and deeply in love with life through the power of our three pillars below

Personalized Workouts

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Receive a custom program based on your specific goals and needs through my all-inclusive training app.

Flexible Nutrition

Food is fuel for the mind, body, and soul. I will educate you on what your body needs to perform at an optimum level and how to incorporate your favorite sweets and treats.

Resilient Mindset

For synergistic and whole-being transformations, our mindset is our most valued element. Together, we will upgrade your personal belief system to ensure it fuels that of your higher self.


Experience the difference of Fuel Your Soul Fitness. Discover how my holistic approach to wellness empowers you to thrive

Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Transform your physique, build lean muscle mass, and shed excess weight as you embark on a journey to a stronger, healthier you.

Personalized Support and Accountability

Receive tailored guidance from an expert coach dedicated to your individual needs and goals.

Transformative Fitness & Lifestyle Results

Beyond the gym, my program empowers you to make sustainable lifestyle changes, fostering habits that promote long-term health and vitality.


I'm dedicated to supporting your journey to holistic wellness. I integrate the physical benefits of fitness training with soul-nourishing practices tailored specifically for you. Your path to wholeness and vitality is my sole focus, and I'm committed to guiding you every step of the way.


I'm dedicated to supporting your journey to holistic wellness. I integrate the physical benefits of fitness training with soul-nourishing practices tailored specifically for you. Your path to wholeness and vitality is my sole focus, and I'm committed to guiding you every step of the way.




Hey there, I'm Madison Burliss, the heart and soul behind Fuel Your Soul Fitness. As a passionate advocate for holistic wellness, I founded this space to blend my love for fitness with my deep belief in the power of spirituality to transform lives.

My journey began with a realization: true vitality isn't just about sculpting the perfect physique; it's about nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in harmony. I've spent years studying various fitness disciplines, diets, and implementing personal growth practices starting in the mind, seeking to understand how they intersect and complement each other.

Fuel Your Soul Fitness isn't just a business to me – it's a mission. I'm here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you reconnect with your inner strength, cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, and live a life filled with passion and joy.

With a background in fitness coaching and a heart devoted to personal growth, I'm committed to providing you with the tools, support, and inspiration you need to thrive in all aspects of your life. Together, let's ignite your soul, embrace wellness, and create a life you truly love. Welcome to Fuel Your Soul Fitness – where transformation begins from within.

See My Client Results



Hey there, I'm Madison, the heart and soul behind Fuel Your Soul Fitness. As a passionate advocate for holistic wellness, I founded this space to blend my love for fitness with my deep belief in the power of spirituality to transform lives.

My journey began with a realization: true vitality isn't just about sculpting the perfect physique; it's about nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in harmony. I've spent years studying various fitness disciplines, diets, and implementing personal growth practices starting in the mind, seeking to understand how they intersect and complement each other.

Fuel Your Soul Fitness isn't just a business to me – it's a mission. I'm here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you reconnect with your inner strength, cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, and live a life filled with passion and joy.

With a background in fitness coaching and a heart devoted to spiritual growth, I'm committed to providing you with the tools, support, and inspiration you need to thrive in all aspects of your life. Together, let's ignite your soul, embrace wellness, and create a life you truly love. Welcome to Fuel Your Soul Fitness – where transformation begins from within.



Hear from My Clients: Testimonials

"Madison transformed my fitness journey after a traumatic injury and life change."

" She not only helped me build strength and knowledge in workouts, but also boosted my confidence and happiness with structure.

Despite initial struggles, Madison motivated me to push through, resulting in significant progress.

Now, I enjoy a solid workout routine and feel happier overall. Her approach blends challenge with camaraderie, making every session feel like time with a friend."

- Katherine

"Madison helped me overcome body confidence struggles, guiding me to start my fitness journey with newfound confidence"

"Now, I feel empowered to continue on my own.

Talking with Madison made me realize there were no excuses to hold back. I went all in and saw incredible results.

Under Madison's guidance, I've experienced increased muscle size & strength, boosted confidence, and improved mental well-being.

My favorite part of working with Madison was seeing results and receiving expert guidance on form".

- Kyle

"Madison has helped me repair my relationship with food through a reverse diet"

"Before working with Madison, I was struggling with consistency and feeling stuck. Madison has helped me grow my confidence and feel ready for what’s to come ahead.

I could have let time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because I was ready for a change in my life.

I've seen amazing results like new muscle building, improved form, and confidence building.

My favorite part about working together was being able to have fun talks while working out and having someone to talk to.

- Tyler

"Madison helped me change the way I look and feel inside my body, making me feel confident and strong.."

I could have let finances and time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because my health is a priority, and I'll use what I've learned for the rest of my life.

My favorite part about working together was your motivating and supportive energy. It felt like you really cared, and I was well taken care of.

- Nikki

"Madison provided so much help and

encouragement each week"

"Before working with Madison, I struggled with comfort in the gym and lacked confidence in exercising properly. Madison has helped me expand my knowledge on body cues for various exercises, and now I feel more confident to accurately complete them!

I've seen amazing results like fat loss, muscle gain, and the ability to make better choices around food.

My favorite part about working together was the support! Madison provided so much help and

encouragement each week, pushing me to stick to the plan as best as I could."

- Maggie

"Madison has helped me repair my relationship with food through a reverse diet"

"Before working with Madison, I struggled with my relationship with food and my self-image. I felt frustrated and guilty about everything I ate, constantly criticizing myself. Madison has helped me repair my relationship with food through a reverse diet, making me realize food is not the enemy. Now, I feel confident with myself and my choices.

I've seen amazing results like no longer being afraid of food or seeing it as bad, a more sculpted and lean body, and finally starting to believe in myself.

My favorite part about working together was being held accountable each week and knowing that I had someone believing in me who supported me in just the way I needed.

- Abigail

"Madison provided the tools for success in both the gym and the kitchen.."

"Before Madison, I struggled with hitting protein goals, meal prepping, and maximizing my efforts at the gym. I felt frustrated by minimal gains over time.

Madison's support goes beyond just nutrition; she's made the gym enjoyable again and kept me accountable. Her no-nonsense approach got me on track, offering holistic guidance for both training and diet. With her, I've seen growth, stability, and a newfound appreciation for nutrition.

What sets her apart is her genuine passion for client improvement and willingness to tackle habits hindering progress. Thanks to her, I feel more confident, both mentally and physically.

- Keane

"Madison helped me regain consistency and establish healthy habits"

Madison helped me regain consistency and establish healthy habits, putting me back on track and heading in a great direction.

I could have been held back by my beliefs, clinging to the 'I can do it myself' mindset. But after talking with Madison, I committed fully because of the accountability she provided. I knew it would help me stay consistent.

My favorite part about working with Madison is her relaxed approach. She understands that life happens and doesn't pressure me to be perfect all the time. This results in less guilt on my end."

- Casey

"Madison helped me realize that food isn't my enemy,"

"Madison helped me realize that food isn't my enemy, and now I feel optimistic about my relationship with it. I could have been held back by my beliefs and excuses, but after talking with Madison, I committed fully because I know my highest self is capable of achieving my goals.

My favorite part about working with Madison is the positive shift in my mindset. I have a completely new outlook on my capabilities and my health and wellness journey."

- Ryn

"Madison has helped me embrace my capabilities"

Madison has helped me embrace my capabilities and now I feel grounded and optimistic, like I’m moving in the right direction. I could have let time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because I realized I deserved better than the way I was feeling.


- Kyra

"Madison has helped me believe in myself and now I feel empowered"

Madison has helped me

believe in myself and now I feel empowered; confident that if I put my mind to something, I can do it

.I could have let my mindset hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because

she helped me gain confidence and shift my mindset.


- Tracey

Hear from My Clients: Testimonials

"I've not only transformed my body but also rediscovered a profound sense of joy and purpose in life."

"Fuel Your Soul Fitness has completely changed my perspective on what it means to be truly healthy and happy. Through their holistic approach, I've not only transformed my body but also rediscovered a profound sense of joy and purpose in life. I'm forever grateful for their guidance!"

- Katherine

"Madison helped me overcome body confidence struggles, guiding me to start my fitness journey with newfound confidence"

"Now, I feel empowered to continue on my own.

Talking with Madison made me realize there were no excuses to hold back. I went all in and saw incredible results.

Under Madison's guidance, I've experienced increased muscle size & strength, boosted confidence, and improved mental well-being.

My favorite part of working with Madison was seeing results and receiving expert guidance on form".

- Kyle

"Madison has helped me grow my confidence and feel ready for what’s to come ahead."

"Before working with Madison, I was struggling with consistency and feeling stuck. Madison has helped me grow my confidence and feel ready for what’s to come ahead.

I could have let time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because I was ready for a change in my life.

I've seen amazing results like new muscle building, improved form, and confidence building.

My favorite part about working together was being able to have fun talks while working out and having someone to talk to.

- Tyler

"Madison helped me change the way I look and feel inside my body, making me feel confident and strong.."

I could have let finances and time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because my health is a priority, and I'll use what I've learned for the rest of my life.

My favorite part about working together was your motivating and supportive energy. It felt like you really cared, and I was well taken care of.

- Nikki

""Madison provided so much help and encouragement each week"

"Before working with Madison, I struggled with comfort in the gym and lacked confidence in exercising properly. Madison has helped me expand my knowledge on body cues for various exercises, and now I feel more confident to accurately complete them!

I've seen amazing results like fat loss, muscle gain, and the ability to make better choices around food.

My favorite part about working together was the support! Madison provided so much help and

encouragement each week, pushing me to stick to the plan as best as I could."

- Maggie

"Madison has helped me repair my relationship with food through a reverse diet"

"Before working with Madison, I struggled with my relationship with food and my self-image. I felt frustrated and guilty about everything I ate, constantly criticizing myself. Madison has helped me repair my relationship with food through a reverse diet, making me realize food is not the enemy. Now, I feel confident with myself and my choices.

I've seen amazing results like no longer being afraid of food or seeing it as bad, a more sculpted and lean body, and finally starting to believe in myself.

My favorite part about working together was being held accountable each week and knowing that I had someone believing in me who supported me in just the way I needed.

- Abigail

"Madison provided the tools for success in both the gym and the kitchen.."

"Before Madison, I struggled with hitting protein goals, meal prepping, and maximizing my efforts at the gym. I felt frustrated by minimal gains over time.

Madison's support goes beyond just nutrition; she's made the gym enjoyable again and kept me accountable. Her no-nonsense approach got me on track, offering holistic guidance for both training and diet. With her, I've seen growth, stability, and a newfound appreciation for nutrition.

What sets her apart is her genuine passion for client improvement and willingness to tackle habits hindering progress. Thanks to her, I feel more confident, both mentally and physically."

- Keane

"Madison helped me regain consistency and establish healthy habits"

"Madison helped me regain consistency and establish healthy habits, putting me back on track and heading in a great direction.

I could have been held back by my beliefs, clinging to the 'I can do it myself' mindset. But after talking with Madison, I committed fully because of the accountability she provided. I knew it would help me stay consistent.

My favorite part about working with Madison is her relaxed approach. She understands that life happens and doesn't pressure me to be perfect all the time. This results in less guilt on my end."

- Casey

"Madison helped me realize that food isn't my enemy"

"Madison helped me realize that food isn't my enemy, and now I feel optimistic about my relationship with it. I could have been held back by my beliefs and excuses, but after talking with Madison, I committed fully because I know my highest self is capable of achieving my goals.

My favorite part about working with Madison is the positive shift in my mindset. I have a completely new outlook on my capabilities and my health and wellness journey."

- Ryn

"Madison has helped me embrace my capabilities"

"Madison has helped me embrace my capabilities

and now I feel grounded and optimistic, like I’m moving in the right direction. I could have let time hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because

I realized I deserved better than the way I was feeling."

- Kyra

"Madison has helped me believe in myself and now I feel empowered"

Madison has helped me believe in myself and now I feel empowered; confident that if I put my mind to something, I can do it. I could have let my mindset hold me back, but after talking with Madison, I went all in because

she helped me gain confidence and shift my mindset.

- Tracey

Ready to Begin Your Journey to Wellness?

Are you ready to embrace a journey of holistic wellness, where fitness, empowerment, and well-being converge? It's time to prioritize your vitality and step into a life filled with fulfillment and love. Whether you're grappling with persistent discomfort, striving to harmonize your health, or simply seeking holistic balance, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Through personalized approaches integrating fitness, mindset nourishment, and wellness practices, we'll uncover the core of your health challenges and pave the path towards elevating your well-being. Take that pivotal first step today by scheduling your free consultation.

Your voyage towards holistic wellness commences now.


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